There’s no simple way through grief. Losing someone you love is always going to be hard and there’s no way around what you have to go through. However, there are certain services and ceremonies that can help you feel better, even in small ways. Cremation in East Greenwich, RI can help you with your grief under certain circumstances. Here are a few to consider.
When The Body Was No Good
Was your loved one racked with disease at the end of their life? Their body wasn’t working well for them any longer and once they pass on, your family decided to go with cremation. This can actually be comforting to you because their body is reduced to ashes. The very thing that brought your loved one pain is no longer around and you know they are no longer suffering. Having cremation done can help you get closure over their illness and death and say your final goodbye.
Scattering Can Be Intimate
If you have a traditional burial for your loved one, you might see their casket at the gravesite and you might even throw some dirt on it to get closure. But if you have cremation, there isn’t always a burial. The process of scattering your loved one’s ashes, however, can be very soothing. You can choose a place they love, somewhere special to you, or wherever else you want. With just close family members and friends along, you can scatter their ashes and get the same feeling of closure. You are, in essence, releasing them from the world.
Lessen The Pain
For some people, going to a visitation and actually seeing their loved one’s body can be very painful. While it is cathartic for others, there are some that can’t handle it. Cremation, on the other hand, can lessen that pain. You don’t have to see your loved one still and quiet. You remember them alive and vibrant, just as you want. Cremation reminds you that they are gone, but you don’t have to see their body as evidence, if you don’t want.
Keep Them Near
Cremation also allows you to keep your loved one near to you, if you so choose. You can buy an urn and place them on the mantel, get a smaller urn picture frame and keep a small portion of ashes near with a nice picture of them, or you can even get jewelry that holds ashes and wear a piece of them at times. Some people find great comfort from getting to keep a portion of their loved one around well into the future.
Cremation in East Greenwich, RI can do a lot to help people with the grieving process. If you think cremation is the right option for your loved one and your family, contact Frank P. Trainor & Sons Funeral Home by calling (401) 461-4843. If you haven’t decided yet, we’ll lay the options out for you and talk you through the choices until you feel good about a certain one. Visit with our funeral director in person at 982 Warwick Ave, Warwick, RI 02888.
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